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Symptoms of Skin Cancer on the Face

Change in moles or freckles

Moles and freckles should remain constant in their appearance and so changes to the ways in which they look should make you analyze them more closely. If you have any moles or freckles on your face, be vigilant in assessing changes such as:

  • Increasing size
  • Raised areas
  • Bleeding or crusty edges or tops of the mole or freckle
  • Changes in color
  • Changes in shape

What does a normal mole look like?

New moles or lumps.

If a new mole or lump appears on your face, it is wise to seek medical attention to ensure that this is not a sign of cancer. Lumps may be white, pink or red and not disappear after a few weeks, Unlike a spot, there is not necessarily a ‘head’ to the lump and the lump can be painful, painless, itchy or tender.

Black dots or blemishes

Any black dots or patches on your skin should be assessed by a medical practitioner at the earliest opportunity. These areas might bleed or appear without linked pain or discomfort. This may be a symptom of the development of cancerous cells on the face.

Skin cancer pictures

Lumps or sores that do not heal

Any lump or damage to the skin that does not heal as quickly as normal should be assessed by your GP. One of the symptoms of skin cancer on the face and other body parts is the inability for wounds to heal as quickly as they normally would. Your GP will assess any potential threats and refer you if necessary.

If you have any changes to the skin on your face and you are the slightest bit concerned, it is always advisable to seek medical attention to rule out any threat of skin cancer. Your GP will quickly assess whether a referral is needed and the prognosis is much more positive for early diagnosis of this disease.

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