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Every skin has a story what’s yours?

Marcel Rila


Netherlands 🇳🇱

When I first noticed a suspicious spot on my skin, it was a good friend who recommended SkinVision to me.


He had free access to the app through his insurer. Unfortunately, this didn’t apply to me, as I live in Thailand. But his recommendation convinced me to use the app as a convenient way to determine if my skin issues were serious.


A new approach to my skin health
In the past, I only visited a dermatologist when I was really worried, but thanks to SkinVision, I can now take action sooner. The app has become my first step in deciding whether I need to make a doctor’s appointment.


The first time SkinVision flagged a high risk, I went straight to a dermatologist. A biopsy confirmed it was basal cell carcinoma. I had never heard of this form of skin cancer before, but the reassurance from the dermatologist put me somewhat at ease. Since then, I’ve used SkinVision regularly to monitor my skin.


A pattern of warnings and diagnoses
A year and a half later, the app issued another warning, and once again, it turned out to be basal cell carcinoma. This pattern continued until I was eventually diagnosed with melanoma—the most severe form of skin cancer.


In August 2023, my wife noticed suspicious spots on my shoulder. One turned out to be a melanoma, and another was a basal cell carcinoma. SkinVision had once again recommended seeing a doctor, leading to these diagnoses.


A difficult journey in Bangkok
Due to the seriousness of the situation, I had to spend several days in a hospital in Bangkok. This was the toughest part of my journey with skin cancer. During my stay, I underwent surgery to remove the melanoma and some lymph nodes. It was a life-saving but grueling experience.


While in the hospital, the doctor noticed a suspicious spot on my nose. A biopsy confirmed it was another melanoma. It was a hard blow, but I remained determined to fight. The doctors in Bangkok were fantastic, and I’m forever grateful for their care and dedication.


A healthier future
Now, after a long and challenging journey, I’m healthy and free from metastases. This experience has taught me to better protect myself from the sun and to regularly check my skin for suspicious spots. I continue to use SkinVision because the app saved my life.


My advice to others
I hope my story inspires others to take their skin health seriously. Even if you think you never really burn, as I once did, the sun can be relentless. I’ve stopped sunbathing for hours and now always use sunscreen—something I once thought was unnecessary.

SkinVision played a critical role in my recovery, and I encourage everyone to use the app to keep their skin healthy.

Melanie Okkerse


Netherlands 🇳🇱

I discovered SkinVision through our health insurer, CZ.


Having always had many spots and blemishes, I decided to give the app a try. It wasn’t until one of my spots started bleeding that I realized the seriousness of the situation. At first, I didn’t notice it, but my husband pointed it out when we brought out our summer clothes. That’s when I remembered SkinVision. I took a photo of the spot and immediately received advice to see a doctor.


The next day, SkinVision followed up with a message after the doctors confirmed the advice. My GP was also concerned and referred me to the hospital. From there, everything moved quickly—the spot was removed straight away.


When I received the results, I naively thought it wouldn’t be anything serious. But when the doctors asked if I was alone, I knew something was wrong. It turned out to be a stage pT2 melanoma. Because the melanoma was “too thick,” they also had to remove my sentinel lymph node.


I am incredibly grateful to SkinVision and CZ. Thanks to them, my melanoma was discovered in time. I often think: where would I be now if I hadn’t used SkinVision? The fact that melanomas grow quickly and become more dangerous as they thicken is something that deeply concerns me.


What stood out to me was how SkinVision followed up after my scan to ensure I had taken action. This motivated us to send our children, who also have many spots, to the doctor for a check-up.


Unfortunately, my generation didn’t always have the knowledge to properly care for our skin. But with SkinVision, I hope others don’t make the same mistakes. The app is easy to use and truly a lifesaver. I recommend it to everyone. Catching issues early can save you from a lot of trouble.

Arjan Both


Netherlands 🇳🇱

“Is that a new spot on your back?” my wife suddenly asked. I hadn’t noticed it myself. “There are more spots,” I thought, but I didn’t worry about it. Later, I received an email from Nationale Nederlanden about SkinVision. “That sounds interesting,” I said to my wife, and she took a photo of the spot with the app. It was quick and easy, so we took photos of several more spots.


For one of the photos, I received advice to see a doctor within four weeks. Surprised, I went to the GP, who referred me to the dermatologist. The dermatologist quickly determined that it wasn’t good: it was a melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, but fortunately in the early stage. Because it was detected early, the prognosis was good.


I hadn’t had any issues with the spot, so I didn’t expect it to be serious. SkinVision made it easy to take it seriously. Without the app, I probably wouldn’t have gone to the GP, and it would have had to develop further. The dermatologist also removed another spot, which turned out to be harmless.


I’ve since become a supporter of artificial intelligence. SkinVision is a well-thought-out model, and it works. I’m glad that Nationale Nederlanden offers SkinVision for free to its insured members. It’s accessible and easy to use. Without SkinVision, I wouldn’t have realised the importance of this app, and without it, I wouldn’t have gone to the GP.


I’ve encouraged others to check their skin. It’s so simple: take a photo and send it in. If you have any doubts, it’s better to have it checked. “Grab your phone and take a photo of your spot,” I say. And since the diagnosis, I always use sunscreen with SPF 50, and I’m much more aware of the health of my skin and my family’s skin.

Melanie Pemberton


United Kingdom 🇬🇧

In the summer of 2022, I noticed a mole on my shin. It didn’t itch or bleed, but it caught my eye because it was slightly larger than the others. I mentioned it to my partner, and since it didn’t have any alarming symptoms, we decided to keep an eye on it and forgot about it.


By Christmas, I noticed that the mole had changed—the bottom edge had become irregular, and it was no longer perfectly round. My partner, who works at the same company as me, suggested using the SkinVision app for a quick check. However, with the holidays and our upcoming vacation, I delayed acting on it again.


In February, after the holiday, I finally uploaded a photo of the mole to SkinVision. The app flagged it as suspicious and recommended seeing a doctor. Following this advice, I sent the photo to my GP, who referred me to a dermatologist immediately. While the NHS scheduled me for removal in two weeks, I decided to go private for a faster procedure. Hearing the word “melanoma” caused me to panic, and I felt it was worth the expense for peace of mind.


The mole was removed and confirmed to be melanoma. Initially suspected to be in situ, it was later found to have spread through the entire epidermis, classifying it as stage 1. While waiting for NHS treatment, I had already completed my private procedure and received the diagnosis, which reinforced my decision to act quickly.


A second surgery was needed to remove more tissue from my shin, which required intensive care due to its location. I faced the possibility of a skin graft but chose to let the wound heal naturally, which came with risks because of my heart condition. Healing was slow and required bi-weekly visits to a specialist and dressing changes every two days for a month. Despite the challenges, my body healed, and I’m grateful the melanoma was removed.


This experience has been life-changing. After sharing my story on Facebook, I encouraged friends and family to check their skin, and many have since had their moles reviewed. Skin cancer can feel like an unexpected diagnosis—it certainly was for me. Having two children, I knew I needed to act quickly for their sake, even if I shielded my youngest from the full details to avoid worrying him during his exams.


The Medicash benefit at work gave me access to SkinVision, and I’m so thankful I used it. The app prompted me to visit my GP sooner, setting off a quick and life-saving process. I encourage everyone to check their skin regularly, take photos, and monitor any changes. Most melanomas are new moles, not existing ones, so be alert for anything unusual.


SkinVision made a real difference for me, and I hope my story inspires others to take their skin health seriously.

Michel Plass


Netherlands 🇳🇱

My insurance provider, Just, sent an email about using SkinVision for suspicious skin spots, which prompted me to check my body.


For some time, I had a mole on my chest that had grown slightly larger. It didn’t seem particularly concerning to me—it grew so slowly that I barely noticed. I thought, “Why would I go to the doctor for that?” But SkinVision was easy and accessible, so I decided to give it a try.


I got the call while on vacation.
After installing SkinVision, I took photos of three spots. Two were deemed harmless, but for the mole on my chest, I was advised to see my doctor. I followed this advice, and my GP referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist suspected something malignant. While on vacation, I got the call: it was a melanoma. Thankfully, there were no signs of metastasis. I have a second procedure scheduled soon and will undergo a full-body check for other suspicious spots.


I wouldn’t have gone without SkinVision.
In this situation, I felt taken seriously by my GP, dermatologist, and SkinVision. Normally, I’m skeptical about health apps, but SkinVision works. Since it was offered through my health insurer, I decided to try it. Without SkinVision, I probably wouldn’t have gone to the doctor—perhaps for years—until it was too late.


Unlimited sun exposure.
I’ve lived a notoriously unhealthy sun-exposure life and never used sunscreen. We spent a lot of time in southern regions, where I often went shirtless. I don’t do that anymore. Fortunately, my children are more conscious about sun safety, thanks to better awareness than we had growing up.


Use the app!
I encourage everyone to use SkinVision. It’s simple, fast, and can save you a lot of trouble. If I had waited five more years, this spot could have metastasized. The sooner you detect something, the greater the chance it can be treated in time.

Pascalle Soer


Netherlands 🇳🇱

I downloaded SkinVision because I had a mole that I didn’t trust.


It had developed a crust and was behaving differently from my other moles. The app advised me to visit my GP, who then referred me to the hospital. There, the dermatologist removed the mole, and further examination revealed it was a melanoma in situ.


In the past, I had my moles checked by my GP, who told me to monitor any unusual ones. But because I have quite a few moles, it’s hard not to feel uncertain. You end up delaying a visit to the doctor, thinking it’s unnecessary. SkinVision makes it much easier to take that first step. All you have to do is take a photo, and you quickly get advice, which brings peace of mind and certainty.


What I really appreciate is that after the scan, SkinVision sends a follow-up message to confirm that experts have reviewed the photo again. It’s reassuring to know there’s a real team behind the app.


I was shocked to learn that my body had developed a melanoma at this age. It’s a confronting realisation, but I’ll continue using SkinVision to regularly check my moles in the future. The app is user-friendly and provides a quick indication of whether a mole might be malignant or harmless.


For me, SkinVision is a practical and reliable tool to monitor my skin health.

Ellen Suetens


Belgium 🇧🇪

I discovered SkinVision when I noticed a small spot on my left arm.


Through a leaflet from Helan, I learned about the SkinVision app and thought it might be useful to quickly learn more about the spot.


Wanting answers right away, I decided to take a photo using the app. SkinVision seemed particularly helpful since it can sometimes be difficult to get an appointment with a dermatologist, especially during holiday periods.


After uploading the photo, I received prompt advice to visit a dermatologist for further examination. Although the spot didn’t look alarming at first glance, I felt it was important to play it safe. I wanted to ensure it wasn’t anything serious.


At the dermatologist, the spot was removed. Even though it initially seemed harmless, my intuition proved correct—it turned out to be an early-stage skin cancer, specifically an in situ carcinoma.


My experience with SkinVision has taught me the importance of taking action when you notice something suspicious on your skin. SkinVision is a valuable tool for detecting potential issues early.


Now that I have SkinVision, I continue to monitor my skin regularly. Even though I haven’t had any further issues, it’s reassuring to know I have a reliable tool to help safeguard my health.


My message to others is simple: trust your instincts, use helpful tools like SkinVision, and take good care of your health. It can make a world of difference.

Rob Wammes


Netherlands 🇳🇱

During my youth, my family spent a lot of time on the beaches of Zeeland.


Back then, it was normal to apply a little Nivea and soak up the sun. Unfortunately, I often ended up with sunburn. I even recall using yogurt and cucumber to soothe painful burns once.


Some time ago, I noticed a spot on my chest that began to itch persistently. This constant itch made me uneasy, so I decided to have it checked. I took a photo of the spot and had it analysed by SkinVision. To my alarm, the app immediately advised me to consult a doctor. My GP referred me to a dermatologist, and a biopsy confirmed that it was a basal cell carcinoma. The spot was removed, leaving only a small scar.


Since then, I visit the dermatologist annually for a full-body check. These check-ups led to the removal of a second suspicious spot last year. I followed SkinVision’s advice without hesitation—better safe than sorry. If it turned out to be nothing, I’d feel reassured, but if it was something serious, at least I caught it in time.


What I appreciate most about SkinVision is how simple it is to use. When in doubt, you take a photo and quickly get clarity. I believe it should be included in standard health insurance coverage so that everyone can benefit from it. For me, the barrier was low because my insurer, Just, offers the app. If I had to pay out of pocket, I’m not sure I would have used it.


SkinVision has made me more aware of the dangers of sun exposure. Now, I always wear a cap—not just on vacation but also on the golf course. I’m sharing my story because this can happen to anyone. It’s vital for more people to understand the importance of skin checks.


Whenever I hear others talking about moles, I recommend SkinVision. My wife has even started building her own photo archive. The app is easy to use and provides peace of mind. A low-risk result reassures me and positively impacts my mental well-being. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” That’s why I encourage everyone to check their spots regularly with SkinVision.

Brenda Corbeek


Netherlands 🇳🇱

As a melanoma patient, I attended my biannual check-up with the dermatologist and pointed out a spot on my ear that had changed over the past few months.


The spot had become discoloured and grown from a small brown dot to something that spread across my ear and even into my ear canal. The dermatologist assured me it was nothing serious and suggested I come back in three months if I was still concerned.


I went home with an uneasy feeling. The appointment felt rushed, and I didn’t feel listened to. This nagged at me, so I asked my daughter to take a photo of the spot and check it using SkinVision. Within a short time, the app advised me to see a doctor within four weeks. Armed with this advice, I contacted the hospital again and insisted on a second consultation.


At the follow-up appointment, I showed the dermatologist the recommendation from SkinVision, but she dismissed it, saying, “We don’t take SkinVision seriously.” This made me feel uncertain and frustrated. I kept pushing for further action, and while the dermatologist initially hesitated to remove the spot, she agreed to perform a biopsy. Unfortunately, the first biopsy didn’t gather enough tissue. It wasn’t until a second procedure that I was finally diagnosed with a melanocytoma—a rare and aggressive skin tumor that needed to be treated like melanoma.


This led to a third, more extensive surgery where a large portion of cartilage was removed from my ear and reconstructed. The pain is severe and will last for some time. The emotional toll on me and my family has been immense. My daughters were deeply worried, and the eight weeks of uncertainty were incredibly difficult.


My trust in the healthcare process has been shaken. That the advice from SkinVision was ignored—despite it being correct—left me feeling anxious and unheard. But thanks to SkinVision, I persisted and took action. It has been a tremendous help to me and my family, and I now recommend the app to everyone.


Because of Zilveren Kruis, which reimburses SkinVision, people can check their skin more frequently and easily. I’m sharing my story to highlight the need for improvements in care, so others feel heard and get timely help.

Sally Ann Meadows


United Kingdom 🇬🇧

I work for a nursing agency, and one of the perks we get is access to the SkinVision app through Medicash. I hadn’t thought much about it until a friend, who also works for the agency, mentioned it. She knew I was concerned about a spot on my nose that hadn’t healed for a long time.


Initially, I thought the spot was nothing serious. When it didn’t go away, I visited the doctor, who assured me it was just a cyst. Over time, it changed—it developed a crusty edge and looked worse. Despite multiple visits, I was told to keep it clean and moisturised. I wasn’t convinced.


That’s when my friend suggested using the SkinVision app. I downloaded it and took a photo of the spot. The app flagged it as a concern and advised me to visit my doctor. At first, I didn’t trust it, thinking, “It’s just an app.” But I found out that real people reviewed the results, which gave me the confidence to insist on further testing.


I went back to the doctor and explained what the app indicated. I requested a biopsy, and despite initial resistance, the doctor eventually agreed. The biopsy revealed that the spot was a basal cell carcinoma (BCC). By the time it was diagnosed, it had grown deeper than it should have. If it had been caught earlier, I might have avoided a major procedure.


The experience has made me grateful for SkinVision. It empowered me to advocate for myself when I felt unheard. Without it, I might have waited even longer, thinking it was just a harmless cyst. The app’s follow-ups and reminders showed genuine care, which was reassuring during a long and stressful process.


This journey also reminded me of the importance of skin health. I’ve never been a sunbather, but I experienced severe sunburns as a child before people were as aware of sun damage as they are now. Skin cancer isn’t only for those who worship the sun—it can affect anyone.


Thanks to SkinVision, I now monitor my skin regularly. It provides peace of mind, especially for areas like my back that I can’t check easily. I hope more people realise how valuable tools like this can be—not just to reassure but to save lives.

Tom Freriks


Netherlands 🇳🇱

Dear SkinVision User,


I want to take a moment to reflect on the impact of skin cancer. That’s why I, Tom, would like to share my personal story with you.


For quite some time, I had a spot on my forearm. It started to change colour, and both my wife and daughter urged me to have it checked. However, I didn’t think it was urgent and kept putting it off. In the summer of 2023, I discovered SkinVision. It gave me an easy way to check my spots without needing to visit a doctor immediately.


SkinVision recommended that I see a doctor right away. The next day, my GP examined the spot and referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist quickly confirmed that it was serious. The spot was removed, and I was diagnosed with melanoma.


Thankfully, the skin cancer was caught early. Because of this, I’m able to share my story with you today. The impact of skin cancer can vary from person to person, but early detection makes a huge difference. That’s why I want to encourage you to check any suspicious spots without delay.


Take a moment today to examine your skin – it could save your life.


With best wishes for your health.

Marie Therese


Netherlands 🇳🇱

I discovered SkinVision through my health insurer CZ, which covered the app. As someone with fair skin and lots of spots and moles, I thought it would be useful to give it a try.


During a visit to my skin therapist for pigmentation spots, she pointed out two small bumps that looked unusual to her. She didn’t feel comfortable removing them herself and suggested I have them checked by my GP. I put it off, thinking it wasn’t urgent. At my next appointment, she asked again if I had seen my doctor yet. While she didn’t believe it was anything serious, she still recommended getting them checked.


That’s when I decided to scan the bumps using the SkinVision app. The app flagged them as high-risk and advised me to see a doctor within 14 days. That was the push I needed to take action.


At first, my GP thought the bumps were harmless, but after examining them with a dermatoscope, he noticed blood vessels in the spots. I was referred to a dermatologist, who diagnosed them as basal cell carcinomas.


What I really appreciated about SkinVision was the follow-up after my scan. They reached out to ask about the results, which felt personal and supportive. Thanks to SkinVision, I’ve become more aware of skin cancer and now pay extra attention when protecting less noticeable areas of my skin.


I often recommend SkinVision to others. It’s easy to use and perfect for quickly checking spots if you’re unsure. In my case, the bumps didn’t look dangerous, but they turned out to be more serious than expected. SkinVision gave me the nudge I needed to visit my GP, and that made all the difference.

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