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Are melanoma moles raised?

Monitoring your skin and performing regular self-checks is something you need to incorporate in your life. Also, it’s smart to have knowledge of the basics of skin cancer signs. One thing to look out for, are raised moles. These could be a sign of risk. Why is that?

Normal vs. non-normal moles

Skin cancer does not always grow from moles, but it is the most commonplace. And when it comes to moles there can be made a distinction between normal moles and melanoma moles. Doctors refer to the latter as a dysplastic nevus. A dysplastic nevus is a type of mole that looks different than a normal mole. Some doctors also use the term atypical mole to refer to moles that have unnatural characteristics.
Common skin lesions
One of the characteristics an atypical mole can have is a raised surface. These moles begin as a flat, smooth spot on the skin. But over time they become raised and form a smooth bump. When this happens, it is a sign of unnatural growth and the mole is identified as atypical.

Melanoma moles always raised?

As stated above, raised moles can be a sign of risk. This does not mean that raised moles are always identified as skin cancer – but if you have a mole that fits the description, make sure to self-check as the first step for a risk indication, and have your doctor take a closer look to find out what is going on exactly.
For melanoma skin cancer, raised moles are described as a sign to watch. But not all melanoma moles are raised, so if you see any other signs of risk (asymmetry, border, colors, large diameter, the evolution of any kind) then make sure to have it checked out, even if the mole is not raised.
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