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Skinvision for companies

For companies

Taking care of your employees

You may already provide a gym membership to your employees. Or fruit at the office. But what about taking care of the largest organ in their body: their skin?

The SkinVision app enables your employees to self-check for possible skin cancer symptoms on a regular basis.

* Source: Journal of Health Promotion

25 Reduction in sick pay costs

Why do you need
the SkinVision program?

Healthier employees

Happier and healthier employees

Businesses that have corporate health programs report that they see less absenteeism, higher job satisfaction, and higher loyalty.

Reduce costs and risks

Reduce your costs and risks

A study by the Journal of Health Promotion showed that companies with health programs saw a 25% reduction in sick pay costs.

Fight skin cancer threat

Fight the skin cancer threat

Skin cancer incidence has been on the rise for decades. Melanoma, the most deadly form, will see 112,000 new cases diagnosed in 2030.


Why should your employees
use the program?

Healthy lifestyle

Adopting a more healthy lifestyle

Having an overall picture of your health can encourage a more healthy lifestyle. With apps, adopting a healthy lifestyle is easier than ever.

Save time and money

Save time & money on doctor visits

Employees will need to take less time to visit their doctor for routine issues, which will save them money as well. They are likely to be healthier.

Perks of connecting with your company

Perks of connecting with your company

Corporate health programs are set up with the goodwill of staff in mind. Employees will feel a greater sense of connection with company.


Contact us and let’s discuss how SkinVision can benefit your company and its employees.


They already joined our program

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SkinVision Customer Stories

Seonaid Sichel

Seonaid Sichel

United Kingdom

Andrew Bartlett
The melanoma could have been on my arm for years

Andrew Bartlett

United Kingdom

Barry Joblin

Barry Joblin

New Zealand

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