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UV bescherming tips

Wat is de UV-index?

De UV index geeft een indicatie van de plaatselijke zonkracht. Het helpt jou om een gevoel te krijgen voor het risico op zonneschade, zodat je bijvoorbeeld een hoed kunt dragen of kunt besluiten om de zon even te vermijden.

De UV index schaal loopt van 0 tot 11, waar 0 de laagste en 11 de hoogste zonkracht aangeeft.

Dit is een korte samenvatting  van de UV index:

0-2.9: Laag risico

Voor de meeste mensen is UV index 0-2.9 laag risico. Het is aan te bevelen om een het hele jaar zonnebrand of dagcrème te smeren met een lage SPF, vooral als je een lichte huid hebt. Wanneer het heeft gesneeuwd en de zon reflecteert op de sneeuw is het verstandig een zonnebril te dragen.

3-5.9: Gemiddeld risco

Bij zonkracht 3-5.9 is het advies om tussen 12.00 – 15.00 uur te mijden en kleding te dragen die je gehele lijf bedekken en beschermen. 

6-7.9 Hoog risico

UV index 6-7.9 betekent dat de zonkracht hoog is en een gevoelige huid al binnen een kwartier kan verbranden. Draag beschermende kleding en smeer je elke 2 uur in met zonnebrandcrème SPF 30+. Vergeet niet je ogen te beschermen met een goede zonnebril en regelmatig de schaduw op te zoeken.

8-10.9: Erg hoog risico

Op extreem zonnige zomerdagen kan ook in Nederland de UV index boven de 8 komen. Vermijd de zon tussen 12:00-15:00 uur, smeer je huid elke 2 uur in met  zonnebrandcrème SPF 30+ en drink voldoende water om te hydrateren.

11: Extreem hoog risico

Gelukkig hebben we in Nederland zelden UV kracht 11, maar op vakantie kan het uiteraard wel voorkomen. Zorg dat je jezelf extreem goed beschermd tegen de zon: draag uv beschermende kleding, een hoed, zonnebril en zonnebrandcrème. Indien mogelijk is het advies om de zon in z’n geheel te vermijden en zoveel mogelijk binnen te blijven.

5 tips om jou te beschermen tegen de zon


1. Bescherm jezelf tegen UV straling


UV straling kan reflecteren tegen water, zand, sneeuw en zelfs beton. Bepaalde type UV straling kan zelfs door mist en wolken heen stralen, wat betekent dat je ook in de schaduw of op een bewolkte dag kunt verbranden.

2. Blijf in de schaduw


Een makkelijke manier om jezelf te beschermen tegen de zon is door ‘m zoveel mogelijk te vermijden. Vermijd de zon op het heetst van de dag en zoek zoveel mogelijk schaduw.

3. Smeer zonnebrand crème


De Nederlandse Vereniging van Dermatologie en Venereologie raadt aan om zonnebrandcrème met een SPF van 30 te smeren en dit elke 2 uur te herhalen. Gebruik goede waterproof zonnebrandcrème wanneer je langdurig buiten en in het water bent. 

4. Kleed je aan


Naast zonnebrandcrème helpt ook kleding om UV straling te weren. Gewone kleding weert een deel van de UV stralen, maar tegenwoordig is er steeds meer leuke UV werende kleding te koop. Hoe meer huid je bedekt, hoe beter! Vergeet niet dat kleding nooit alle huid volledig beschermt, dus het is belangrijk om eerst je huid in te smeren met zonnebrandcrème alvorens je de kleding aantrekt. 

5. Vermijd zonnebanken


Zonnebanken geven in korte tijd veel UVA en UVB straling wat leidt tot schade aan de huid. De Nederlandse Vereniging van Dermatologie en Venereologie ontraadt daarom het gebruik van de zonnebank voor bruining.

SkinVision Customer Stories

Marcel Rila

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"For people with spots on their skin, it’s indispensable. Why go to the doctor every time or just ignore it?"
Melanie Okkerse

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"SkinVision is my guardian angel. Without it, I wouldn’t know where I’d be today."
Arjan Both

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"To others, I would like to say: ‘If you have a spot, even if you think it’s nothing, take a picture and send it in.’"
Melanie Pemberton

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"Today I am sharing my story because I want to encourage people to get their skin checked."
Michel Plass

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Without SkinVision, I might never have gone to the doctor until it was too late."
Pascalle Soer

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I downloaded SkinVision because I had a mole I wasn’t entirely sure about."
Marcel Rila

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"For people with spots on their skin, it’s indispensable. Why go to the doctor every time or just ignore it?"
Melanie Okkerse

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"SkinVision is my guardian angel. Without it, I wouldn’t know where I’d be today."
Arjan Both

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"To others, I would like to say: ‘If you have a spot, even if you think it’s nothing, take a picture and send it in.’"
Melanie Pemberton

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"Today I am sharing my story because I want to encourage people to get their skin checked."
Michel Plass

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Without SkinVision, I might never have gone to the doctor until it was too late."
Pascalle Soer

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I downloaded SkinVision because I had a mole I wasn’t entirely sure about."
Marcel Rila

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"For people with spots on their skin, it’s indispensable. Why go to the doctor every time or just ignore it?"
Melanie Okkerse

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"SkinVision is my guardian angel. Without it, I wouldn’t know where I’d be today."
Arjan Both

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"To others, I would like to say: ‘If you have a spot, even if you think it’s nothing, take a picture and send it in.’"
Melanie Pemberton

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"Today I am sharing my story because I want to encourage people to get their skin checked."
Michel Plass

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Without SkinVision, I might never have gone to the doctor until it was too late."
Pascalle Soer

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I downloaded SkinVision because I had a mole I wasn’t entirely sure about."
Marcel Rila

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"For people with spots on their skin, it’s indispensable. Why go to the doctor every time or just ignore it?"
Melanie Okkerse

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"SkinVision is my guardian angel. Without it, I wouldn’t know where I’d be today."
Arjan Both

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"To others, I would like to say: ‘If you have a spot, even if you think it’s nothing, take a picture and send it in.’"
Melanie Pemberton

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"Today I am sharing my story because I want to encourage people to get their skin checked."
Michel Plass

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Without SkinVision, I might never have gone to the doctor until it was too late."
Pascalle Soer

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I downloaded SkinVision because I had a mole I wasn’t entirely sure about."
Ellen Suetens

Belgium 🇧🇪

"Just use the tool as soon as you think something might be wrong. It’s the first step to quickly seeking help if needed."
Rob Wammes

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"When I hear people around me talking about checking moles, I recommend SkinVision to them."
Brenda Corbeek

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I asked my daughter to take a photo and send it to SkinVision. I received advice almost immediately to consult a doctor within four weeks."
Sally Ann Meadows

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"The SkinVision app, I think, should be available to everybody. Especially these days with constraints on doctors’ time."
Tom Freriks

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Its strength lies in how easy it is to use."
Marie Therese

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"You can tell that real people are behind the app, not just a machine or robot."
Ellen Suetens

Belgium 🇧🇪

"Just use the tool as soon as you think something might be wrong. It’s the first step to quickly seeking help if needed."
Rob Wammes

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"When I hear people around me talking about checking moles, I recommend SkinVision to them."
Brenda Corbeek

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I asked my daughter to take a photo and send it to SkinVision. I received advice almost immediately to consult a doctor within four weeks."
Sally Ann Meadows

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"The SkinVision app, I think, should be available to everybody. Especially these days with constraints on doctors’ time."
Tom Freriks

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Its strength lies in how easy it is to use."
Marie Therese

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"You can tell that real people are behind the app, not just a machine or robot."
Ellen Suetens

Belgium 🇧🇪

"Just use the tool as soon as you think something might be wrong. It’s the first step to quickly seeking help if needed."
Rob Wammes

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"When I hear people around me talking about checking moles, I recommend SkinVision to them."
Brenda Corbeek

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I asked my daughter to take a photo and send it to SkinVision. I received advice almost immediately to consult a doctor within four weeks."
Sally Ann Meadows

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"The SkinVision app, I think, should be available to everybody. Especially these days with constraints on doctors’ time."
Tom Freriks

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Its strength lies in how easy it is to use."
Marie Therese

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"You can tell that real people are behind the app, not just a machine or robot."
Ellen Suetens

Belgium 🇧🇪

"Just use the tool as soon as you think something might be wrong. It’s the first step to quickly seeking help if needed."
Rob Wammes

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"When I hear people around me talking about checking moles, I recommend SkinVision to them."
Brenda Corbeek

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"I asked my daughter to take a photo and send it to SkinVision. I received advice almost immediately to consult a doctor within four weeks."
Sally Ann Meadows

United Kingdom 🇬🇧

"The SkinVision app, I think, should be available to everybody. Especially these days with constraints on doctors’ time."
Tom Freriks

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"Its strength lies in how easy it is to use."
Marie Therese

Netherlands 🇳🇱

"You can tell that real people are behind the app, not just a machine or robot."

Every skin has a story. What will yours be?

Read all our customer stories

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