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What is my skin type and how do I take care of it?

Understanding your skin type is key to ensuring that you can manage your skin health to the optimum level. The majority of skincare products rely on the user’s understanding of their type of skin, and as such, it is essential to know your skin type and recognize the differences to get the most of your health, appearance, and skincare regime.

Furthermore, preventing any skin complaints or illnesses becomes much simpler when you understand your skin’s needs and weaknesses. The following guide aims to help you:

  • Analyze your skin to determine its type
  • Advice on basic skin type regimes and considerations
  • Identify vulnerabilities you may have because of your skin type

The four skin types

Most dermatologists separate skin types into four major categories: normal, dry, oily and combination. Your skin type is determined by many factors, including your genetics, diet, age and personal health. It can also change over time. So checking in every once and a while to see how your skin is doing is always a good idea.

Read through the characteristics of the four skin types below and see which one sounds most like your skin. You may exhibit characteristics of multiple categories, but finding the one you identify most with will help you choose products that make your skin thrive.

What’s my skin type: Normal skin type

Normal skin is not too dry or oily; it falls in that desirable in-between place. Your skin normally has an even tone and a soft texture with little flakiness. You may get an oily T-zone (the central area of your face including the chin, nose and the part of your forehead above your eyebrows) in hot weather, but generally, this area is oil-free.

How to care for it:

Lighter lotions and serums are ideal for your skin type because you don’t need much heavy product to keep your skin in balance.

What’s my skin type: Dry skin type

Small pores and an overall feeling of tightness characterize dry skin. Your skin often has more visible lines, less elasticity and a duller complexion. Sometimes people with dry skin will also experience flaking, but this isn’t always the case.

How to care for it:

Moisture is key to caring for dry skin. Use lotions and rich creams to nourish your skin cells. If your skin feels dry but you still get breakouts, then you don’t truly have dry skin. Your skin may be feeling dry from the products you’re using. Try going without them for a few days and see if your skin improves.

Skin care routine for dry skin

What’s my skin type: Oily skin type

People with oily skin tend to have larger pores, and a shiny, thicker feeling complexion. Your skin produces more than enough oil so hydration isn’t your issue. Rather, blackheads and pimples are a common problem with this skin type. If you still aren’t sure if you have oily skin, blot your face with a tissue and if oil stays behind, then you probably have oily skin.

How to care for it:

Cleansing the face often and avoiding heavy creams and emollients is advised for minimizing the appearance of oil. Look for oil-free sunscreens and lotions so that you don’t inadvertently add more oil to your skin.

Oily Skin Type: how to treat and what are the symptoms

What’s my skin type: Combination skin type

While most of us have combination skin to some degree since there are more sebaceous glands around our nose than other areas of our face, this skin type experiences it to a larger degree. Your skin is marked by a consistently oily T-zone with dryness in other areas of the face.

How to care for it:

This is the most common skin type, and people with combination skin should consider using different products for different areas of the face to keep the skin balanced. For example, you may want to use a mild cleanser and moisturizer on your cheeks and a more stringent product on your T-zone to cut through the oil.

5 Essential Steps to Healthy Skin

To all skin types: Mind the sun

It’s important to remember that all skin types should be religiously applying sunscreen. Even if the weather is cloudy or rainy, protecting your skin from incidental sun exposure is vital for preventing skin cancer and the ageing that comes from the sun’s powerful rays. Look for sunscreen formulas that suit your skin type to ensure your protection doesn’t interfere with your skincare routine.

Just as it is important to protect yourself from the sun’s rays, it’s also important that all skin types check their skin for changes and suspicious moles and marks. Use SkinVision to scan the skin for any changes and at-risk moles.

Now that you’ve determined your basic skin type, go one step further. Discover your sun exposure skin type to understand your skin’s sensitivity to the sun and how you can minimize damage.

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